Truth About Sugar
The truth about added sugars
Recent years have marked a major shift in attitudes toward added sugars and how they impact the health of Americans. The American Heart Association recommends a daily added sugar intake of no more than 36 grams/9 teaspoons/150 calories for men and 25 grams/6 teaspoons/100 calories for women and children (ages 2-19). Added sugars are those which are not naturally occurring. Examples of natural sugars include those found in fruits, vegetables, and milk.
According to a 2014 study published by JAMA Internal Medicine, people who consume 10% or more of their calories from added dietary sugars have a 30% increased risk for cardiovascular disease related mortality. That risk is doubled for those who consume 25% or more of their daily calories from added dietary sugars.
SweetLeaf® Sweetener is a delicious, no-sugar, zero-calorie alternative which can help you stay within the recommended guidelines for daily added or hidden sugars. Reduce or eliminate sugars by adding SweetLeaf® as a delicious replacement. With no artificial sweeteners, no sugars, no carbohydrates, and a non-glycemic response, SweetLeaf® adds tasty sweetness to everything from hot and cold beverages to foods and recipes.
Browse the resources below to catch up on the latest developments in the path against the epidemic of added sugars:
Sugar 101 – American Heart Association
The basics on added sugars and the American Heart Association’s recommended daily limit.
Added Sugars and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Children – A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association
Released in August 2016, this latest statement provides a comprehensive review of the available evidence on added sugars intake and CVD risk in children and adolescents.
2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans – From the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and of Agriculture (USDA)
This latest edition of the Dietary Guidelines is notable for suggesting a limit on calories consumed from added sugars.
Food Category Sources of Added Sugars in the U.S. Population Ages 2 Years and Older
Also from the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, this chart displays sources of added sugar by percentage.
Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label – U.S. Food & Drug Administration
The FDA’s announcement of changes to the Nutrition Facts label which food manufacturers must have implemented by July 26, 2018.
An ‘Added Sugar’ Label Is On the Way for Packaged Food
NPR article discussing the FDA’s announcement of a new Nutrition Facts label.
Sugar: A Cautionary Tale – U.S. Food & Drug Administration
From the FDA website, this article reviews the “influential role that sugar and food sweeteners have played in food and drug regulatory history.”
Why the Sugar Industry Hates the FDA’s New Nutrition Facts Label
Article from The Washington Post discussing the food industry’s reaction to the FDA’s label changes.
ADA Praises FDA for Including Added Sugars in Updated Nutrition Labels – American Dental Association
The American Dental Association reacts to the FDA’s announced modifications to the Nutrition Facts label.
WHO Calls on Countries to Reduce Sugars Intake Among Adults and Children
In this 2015 press release, the World Health Organization recommends adults and children reduce their daily added sugar intake to less than 10% of their total energy intake.
Added Sugar in the Diet – Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Facts about added sugar from Harvard University.
Prevalence of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake Among Adults – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
From the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, published February 2016., the Unsweetened Truth – University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
This website reflects an exhaustive review of more than 8,000 scientific papers that have been published to date about sugar and its impact on health.
Added Sugar Intake and Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality Among US Adults – JAMA Internal Medicine
This 2014 article finds that most U.S. adults consume more added sugar than is recommended for a healthy diet.
How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat
New York Times article discussing newly released historical documents which show “the sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead.”
Sugar and Coronary Heart Disease
The science behind coronary heart disease and the role added sugar plays.
Study: Children Absorb Twice as Much Artificial Sweetener Into Their Bloodstream as Adults
Article discussing the findings of a recent study performed by the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Helping You Recover From Nutrition Info Whiplash
Advice on navigating nutrition labels from Mehmet Oz, M.D., and Mike Roizen, M.D.
Feeling Run Down? Try These Energy-Boosting Tips
Reducing added sugar intake is included in this list of suggestions for feeling more energized.
How to Break up with Sugar
Tips on eliminating a sugar addiction for a healthier lifestyle.
Healthline Blogs & Columns
Advice and articles from medical experts, health advocates, and writers on global health, healthcare policy, and research and news trends.
Is Sugar Killing Us?
Experts warn that it may have an outsize role in causing obesity and diabetes—thus increasing the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease.
Is Stevia the Type 2 Diabetic’s Dream Sweetener?
A brief discussion of stevia as a non-glycemic response sweetener for people with diabetes versus other traditional or alternative sweeteners.
Sugar: A Matter of Life and Death
Did food companies deliberately set out to manipulate research on American health in their favor? Gary Taubes’s powerful new history, The Case Against Sugar, will convince you that they did.
10 Disturbing Reasons Why Sugar is Bad For You
Empty calories are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the problems with added sugar.
Sugar Consumption Plays Greater Role in Heart Disease Than Saturated Fat
This ScienceDaily article discusses research which points to added sugar as a greater contributor to coronary heart disease than saturated fats.
One-Month Sugar Detox: A Nutritionist Explains How and Why
This CNN article addresses the fact that about 10% of the U.S. population are true sugar addicts and offers tips on reducing sugar in the diet to help drop pounds and improve health.
No Sugar-Coating It: While Trends are Promising, Kids Are Still Slurping Too Many Calories
The CDC’s latest findings indicate teens are drinking less soda, however this Global Stevia Institute article argues that sugar-sweetened beverages, including soda and juice, are still are a major contributor of added sugars in the diets of children and sugar substitutes, like stevia, could be useful alternatives.
Cardiologist Explains Health Hazard of Sugar
Stephen Sinatra, board-certified cardiologist and author of Nutritional and Integrative Strategies in Cardiovascular Medicine, shows a clear link between sugar intake and heart disease.