Well + Good Puts SweetLeaf® Ahead of Other Sweeteners
Your Ultimate Guide to Sugar Substitutes and Natural Sweeteners
Sugar, especially the white, refined kind we all grew up with, has never exactly been considered a health food. It spikes your blood sugar, increases inflammation, and can spur further cravings that can impact a person's healthy eating goals. And artificial substitutes like Splenda and Sweet 'N Low come with chemical baggage we'd rather avoid. But life without something sweet every now and then doesn't seem worth it, IMO. So we asked Erica Giovinazzo, RD, Clay Health Club's resident nutritionist, and Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, RD, host of Well+Good's YouTube series You Versus Food, if there are any benefits to the natural white sugar alternatives flooding the market. They helped us sort through the options and the marketing—from agave to stevia and even Sugar in the Raw.